Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Every morning I put it on,
I walk outside and I am gone,
And I don't seem to mind anymore,
I cant think what it was like before,
I wore it all the time.

In the evening I take it off,
But there's another one underneath,
And I cant seem to find,
The bottom of the sack,
I might just lose my mind,
And never get it back,
But at least Ill get inside.

Ever stop and think if you are really you? No Im not tripping on anything in particular at the moment /:3 I mean.... Well each of us has a proverbial bag full of 'masks' we wear in particular occasions.... You are 'this' person at work, but you could be 'that' person among friends. and how many people almost never / never actually are themselves, electing instead to act in a way they think would be more acceptable to the outside world. I dare say there are a few who do this so much and in all aspects of their lives that they lose their actual identity, to burn out in the long run. And yet... there are individuals who simply don't fit into society. Who, in all likelihood, would never be accepted unless they change, conform. Which then would be the greater sacrifice. Remaining yourself and losing the world, or losing yourself to be in the world?

Be in the world.... not of it. ~ Jesus Christ