Sunday, January 16, 2011

I R Important?

Ok.... so Im cruising down the street on my way to work,having worked out my time to such fine detail that I would JUST arrive on time [Yeah i know most of you know what im talking about!] and from behind I see the familiar blinking lights of an ambulance. Now, im thinking to myself "well he seems to be cruising, no siren, so no worries right?" Then just as everyone's settled in all cosy like in front of the red glow if the stop signal, in comes the ambulance wailing and creeping up everyone's @$$ like a friggin' guerrilla limpet. Now, it had been raining and there tends to be accidents in weather like this so I thought ok, someone fell down and went boom, and myself and those around me make space as much as we can for the fine example of humanity to come through. Only, RIGHT after crossing over the intersection, off go the sirens and its cruising again. And not once but twice did this happen, later with a police patrol car. this is not an isolated incident by any means, many a time have I witnessed this lightweight abuse of power. Now I could go off on a tangent like "Whats the world come to?" but what good would it do? Ever read the story about the boy that cried wolf guys? One of these days people are going to get fed up with you abusing your position and simply not heed the siren's call. Youll NOT get through or get hit by a passing car, and who will get blamed? Us, the general public, the ACTUAL responsible driver.

I can haz apocalypse now plz?