Monday, September 26, 2011

Mondaaaaaay bloody mondaaaaaay!

I know Ive said it before but it really is funny how things tend to work out. And whether it works out for the better or worse, its always in the most bizarre string of things you simply cant discredit as coincidence. This morning I found myself getting ready to head in to work, as one normally does on a Monday morning /:3, though, today I felt no compelling need to hurry or I might be late. I pulled out, drove down the road, decided to pull in at the local SPAR to pick up a cold drink and something to snack on, no hurry at all. Cruising down the highway I think to myself "Hey.... I wonder if my phone's GPS agrees the route I take is the quickest one to work." So, even though im quite familiar with the way, I fire it up and set it to good ol' TUT. Now, about 15 min from work it gives me this little message saying "New rout found! We've found a quicker route for you" and it began to re plot my course. Now, normally Id have just blown it off and continued on my usual route disregarding the little bugger, but just as I approached the corner of the street it suggested I though what the hell? And turned as instructed, stopped a little later on the right side of the road at the traffic light, and just as I was pulling off I hear a 'clank!' and my foot hits the floor. Super! My clutch cable snapped! Luckily Id just managed it into first gear, so the car had started moving, but it jumped out again, and I was losing momentum. Now, here's why I say someone was watching out for me, and its funny how things work out: The spot where I broke down was close enough to an open curb for me to climb onto with the little bit of momentum I had. I Had no air time to call with, and no cash on hand at the moment, but, surprise surprise, to my immediate left stood a cell phone shop selling air time, and to my right an ATM... now while I got out and got some cash to buy air time with someone was kind enough to offer to help me push the car off the curb, since its arse was still in the road, backwards through traffic which was held back by his friend, and into a side parking which 'happened' to be open. So I call the dude who usually services my car and explain the situation and wouldn't you know it.... his tow truck just 'happened' to be heading that same route, so picking me up wouldn't be a problem. Sitting in his truck on the way home I did some calculating.... had I gone the normal route, Id have broken down in the middle lane in front of....the...court house I think? One of the busiest areas on my usual route. I imagine the odds of not getting ploughed into there, not to mention getting someone in to tow you from there would have been slim. Sure the replacement cable, the towing and the service set me back more then Id liked, but given the circumstances? Id say it was well spent. Oh! There's a little epilogue as well. Having dropped the car off at the mechanic's, I was only about 2 blocks from home so decided to leg it. I stopped somewhere in the middle, contemplating if I should go back and wait, and as I turned around, I found myself staring smack into this:
Strange how things happen hmm? :3