Friday, June 6, 2014

Sand and iron(y)

Here’s your dose of irony and humor for the day, plus a handy tip to top it all off. First, the tip: always secure your stands — for both safety and financial reasons, this is a good idea if you think there is ANY chance whatsoever that they might be knocked or blown over. Okay, now for the humor and irony.

In a short news clip from southern California, reporter Michele Gile is telling viewers about the volunteers at Seal Beach who are filling up sand bags for people to use to prevent flooding.

Sadly, whoever set up the C-Stand to the right of Gile didn’t think to ask any of the volunteers for a couple of sand bags of their own… and so the stand that was sitting there was blown right onto her head as she was signing off. To her credit, she handled it like a champ.