Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So here's a thought: Is society over saturating the young with the facts, laws and norms it has become comfortable with and now wants to push down on as many as possible? Just seems to me like almost everywhere you go, people, particularly young'ns stick to a somewhat sterile, cold, hard, factual [even though most cases the facts in question are simply an oppinion /:3] you know, almost like they're being turned into single minded organic machines no longer thinking for themselves, discovering new things and deducing their own way of thinking around it.

Fill them full of logic,
and bring them to the floor,
and make them dance,
a dance of death.

1 comment:

  1. Yep. I can't tell you how many times I got in trouble in school for not conforming to their thought pattern/rules/whatever. If you try to do anything different or come to any kind of conclusion that's not specifically intended it usually causes some kind of action. you become a deviant. It's undesirable to be smart, and a lot of tv shows mock smart people. There is the "Ideal" life and anyone who doesn't (either because they don't want to or because they just cant)live it is automatically "defective". There must be something wrong with them. It's a very narrow mentality they are breeding.
