Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Are they out to friggin annoy me?

Ok Ive been meaning to comment on this for a long time now but somehow always forgot somehwere along the way.... Why is it, whenever I open a medicinal box, be it pills, syrup, capsules or powder, no matter which side I chose, when I open it, the first thing I see is.... the little info slip. You know, the one with all the useless info on it, how to use, what not to feed it to, what would happen if you got one stuck in your ear, that thing. And no matter WHAT, I WILL open the side that has this annoying little slip of suffering ready to grin up at me and say "Aha! Youll have to go through ME to get to th~ Hey! HEY! Put me down! Dont throw me away im important informatioooooo........" Because thats exactly what always happens, I end up mangling the box to rip out the litle sucker and toss it far from the sight of me..... am I alone here?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mass...err.....i mean Quantum Zeno Effect...

For years, scientists have been scouring the cosmos for some kind of bizarre hypothetical anti-gravity bits they're calling "dark energy". And they've had some success with it ... perhaps at the expense of our mortal souls.
To grossly simplify it, on a scale smaller than atoms, the quantum level, everything suddenly turns into a friggin circus. Quantum physics is to regular everyday physics as a David Lynch film is to a mainstream blockbuster. We're talking particles popping in and out of existence, being in two places at the same time, and generally acting like assholes.
No doubt the strangest part is the Quantum Zeno effect, which points out that simply observing and measuring particles changes them (specifically, changing the rate at which they decay). How? No one knows. It appears to be the closest science has ever come to proving black magic exists.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
One prominent scientist theorized that the changes caused by simply observing dark energy could cause it to collapse, taking the universe with it.
Scientists, eager to see if this is true, are furiously observing dark energy whenever they get the chance.
So, Basically It's Like...
It's like crossing the streams in Ghostbusters, apparently.
How Long Have We Got?
That scientist, Professor Lawrence Krauss, thinks it may already be underway. Apparently, in the late 90s, scientists were looking at a bunch of things exploding in space when they caught their first glimpse of some dark energy. This may have put the universe into a state where it may or may not pop like a soap bubble at any given instant. Just because we looked at it. Holy balls.
This ... this can't be right, can it? Surely the guy's just nuts. Then again, he appears to be one of the most prominent physicists in the country and has published a huge list of papers and books on the subject.
Then again, one of them was The Physics of Star Trek and, now that we think about it, we're pretty sure he stole this whole scenario from an episode of The Next Generation. :3