Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Are they out to friggin annoy me?

Ok Ive been meaning to comment on this for a long time now but somehow always forgot somehwere along the way.... Why is it, whenever I open a medicinal box, be it pills, syrup, capsules or powder, no matter which side I chose, when I open it, the first thing I see is.... the little info slip. You know, the one with all the useless info on it, how to use, what not to feed it to, what would happen if you got one stuck in your ear, that thing. And no matter WHAT, I WILL open the side that has this annoying little slip of suffering ready to grin up at me and say "Aha! Youll have to go through ME to get to th~ Hey! HEY! Put me down! Dont throw me away im important informatioooooo........" Because thats exactly what always happens, I end up mangling the box to rip out the litle sucker and toss it far from the sight of me..... am I alone here?

1 comment:

  1. bahaha!! It's funny coz its true!

    I thought it only happened to me.
