Monday, May 31, 2010

Captain's Log Earth date 31 May 2010

Murphy! You shameless porker! You mock me from beyond the grave!

Typical, Ive been wanting to reactivate the ADSL line in my home for a long time now and finally get my butt in gear enough to DO something about it. So I ask around about a nice [and by nice I mean decent AND affordable, im working on a budget here xD] ISP and found one offering a fast uncapped service for less then I payed for a 3GB cap at Telkom. Woohoo! :D So I sigh up, get the paperwork out of the way, go to the Telkom office, reactivate the line and tell them I wanted to use it for the InTeRwEbZ! A technician comes by the next day or so, tests the line, ok's it and says all's well. I dig out my old router, hook it up but for the life of me I cant get it working. Test everything, but nothing. Eventually a lightbulb goes on in my head. WAS the line actually converted? So I call up and ask them to test it, they tell me I should go in to one of the branches in town. Im thinking WTF.... but off we go. So I get there explain the situation and the operator smiles and with genuine feeling tells me. "Im sorry sir, we dont know WHEN you're line will be made active. You see, because of this nation-wide strike there is no one at head office to press the button."

I cant help but think its funny somehow /:3

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Law or lawl?

Lets have a little test shall we? How many would agree with the statements to follow in this posting, Ill add a new one every so often. True or false, and give a reason or example please :D

1) Whenever you try to pick up a single object, it somehow always seems to be snagged on just about everything else in the entire universe!

2) If its worth doing, its worth OVERdoing.

3) the likelihood of getting sick increases to closer you get to a weekend or holiday.

4) An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking OTHER toys.

5) To make the perfect cup of coffee you need to reinvent the universe.

6) The one you want is NEVER the one on sale.

7) the phone will begin to ring inside when you are outside fumbling for the keys to open the front door, and then STOP ringing just as you are about to pick up.

8) In Every organization there is always one person who knows exactly whats going on.....that person will be fired.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Venomous looms and winding mossy ways

Our works in stone, in paint, in print, we spared some for a few decades, or a millennium or two, but everything must finally fall and more, or wear away into the ultimate... universal ash. The triumphs and the failures, the treasures, the fakes the fact of life.....we are going to die. Be of good heart; pry the dead artists out of the living past. Our songs will all be silenced......but what of it.....? Go on singing.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Now is all my reason thrown down... For if I am yet sane, then the world has become a lunatic asylum. Towers of stone and glass pierce the night sky higher then the tallest cathedral spires. Juggernauts of steel hurtling across black ribbon roads of fused cobble, people wandering the streets heedless of the dangers that surround them. Oblivious to their own ends they cry, passing through one another like shadows in the dying light of day. Has the end of all things come and gone? Is this world another's hell?

Monday, May 10, 2010

On your marks! Aim! Three!

Hello Blog its me again! You remember when we tried this such a long time ago. The whole thing with the hamsters, the wetsuit and the custard.... you were always awkward around me since then.... well hey its a new year, time for a new kind of crazy right....? Right.......? Blog.....?