Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Law or lawl?

Lets have a little test shall we? How many would agree with the statements to follow in this posting, Ill add a new one every so often. True or false, and give a reason or example please :D

1) Whenever you try to pick up a single object, it somehow always seems to be snagged on just about everything else in the entire universe!

2) If its worth doing, its worth OVERdoing.

3) the likelihood of getting sick increases to closer you get to a weekend or holiday.

4) An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking OTHER toys.

5) To make the perfect cup of coffee you need to reinvent the universe.

6) The one you want is NEVER the one on sale.

7) the phone will begin to ring inside when you are outside fumbling for the keys to open the front door, and then STOP ringing just as you are about to pick up.

8) In Every organization there is always one person who knows exactly whats going on.....that person will be fired.


  1. A. True, especially if you are the reluctant owner of a handbag. Inevitably everyone's weird-ass stuff ends up in your bag and you have to resign yourself to NEVER finding your car keays again.

    B. True, especially when it comes to expensive imported chocolate.

  2. 1)True: like when you are driving on a toll road and you are trying to grab all of the quarters out of your change drawer but all you get is pennies and then the quarters fall on the floor and then when you try to get the quarters off the floor you come up with all sorts of straw wrappers etc that you don't remember being down there.

    2) True: Especially when it comes to lazing around at work and your bosses aren't around and you're the only one in the room XD

    3)True: Like when I had to have my wisdom teeth out Right Before Thanksgiving! :(

  3. 4)True. Power tools are a good example of this (more specifically the power tools that someone actually entrusted to me that I may or may not have accidentally remodeled the bathroom with)

    5) True although it comes close to perfect with extra cream on a snowy day.

    6)False,I'm not picky, I'll take whatever is on sale or wait.

    7) True, which is often how I miss Mikes phone calls asking if I want him to bring home dinner, and then I get stuck cooking.
