Friday, June 11, 2010

Capn's log Sometime in the night in a dark hole somewhere cool

Ahhhhg.... I finally have the opportunity to get some decent long and late sleep in, rest up, and what happens? Cant sleep. And its been going on for days now. I cant shake the feeling of dread on my shoulders lately. Like something bad is going to happen. No im not talking about SA bludgeoning its reputation with a 2x4 during the soccer championships :p Something....else, something I cant put my finger to. 'They' keep referring to death. Death in the family? Maybe. My cousin is critically ill with blood cancer. They said there is nothing they can do for her anymore. Its a matter of wait for the end now. Heh.... funny somehow isnt it? Its over before its over? Somehow I wonder if thats fair. being able to physically watch someone slip away and theres nothing you can do to stop it, no switch, no mirrors, no cords to pull to end the illusion and show where they are hidden. Life is rather complex, and living it more so. However thats NOT whats haunting me. This is something I know about, whats bothering me is an UNknown... Watched 'The Book of Eli" today. Have to say I was suitably impressed. Wasnt at all what i thought it would be about, I really enjoyed it. On the surface Id say its almost exactly the type of atmosphere you'd get from the Fallout genre, even a few concepts were the same: Lone wanderer in the post civilization wasteland, posessing a particular piece of 'tech' no one else does, heck even the society he was heading to reminds me of the Brotherhood Of Steel, and they live in a place looking much like Rivit City :D And below the surface...... Faith. Hope. the most coveted treasure left in that sad world. The Bible. The word of God. A book so many of us disregard and chuck onto a shelf to gather dust and sit forgotten, unheeded, in that world they tore each other to pieces to get a hold of. Cant help but wonder. Is that what it would take to turn folks in the right direction?

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